Learning Center

Actuator Compare Tool

Do you have a couple of actuators in mind, but aren’t sure which one to go for? The compare tool is the perfect feature for you! Put up to four actuators in a table-style format with their key specifications listed together, allowing you to compare their key capabilities and features.

Wiring Diagrams

Our wiring diagrams have been tested and created by our engineers, designed to give you as much help as possible when using our products. Don’t see a wiring diagram you need? Contact Us!


Our video collection is large and constantly growing, bringing you the latest information on all our products. Our product overviews give you a clear insight into each product, letting you see the product in action!

Arduino Coding

Our library of Arduino coding has been crafted by our engineers, giving you the perfect start with your Arduino products and our actuators. We are continuously adding to this list, giving you more and more programming options!


Any questions you have about anything Progressive Automations can be found here! Product issues, shipping queries, return & warranty policies and much more can be found in our comprehensive question and answer database.